Thursday, 29 November 2012

                                         ROOTS OF EMPATHY

On Thursday 28th November we had our last visit from Amanda Murray who was our tutor for the Roots of Empathy. We made thankyou cards for Amanda and presented them to her.We also thanked Amanda for being such an awesome tutor. Amanda presented us with graduation certificates.
We have really enjoyed having Baby Minti and Prims visits to our classroom.
Some of our fondest memories are:
Seeing Minti for the first time
Holding Minti for the first time
Minti spitting out the spinach
When she started to copy simple actions
All the happy noises she made
Able to smile and focus on me
When Minti made a mess with a cup cake on her last visit
When she was able to sit by herself
Playing with the toys and banging them together.
Measuring and weighing Minti
When her first tooth appeared
Singing our nursery rhymes and Raps to her
Blowing bubbles when teething
Rolling over for the first time
Watching her growing bigger
Checking her Milestones
Lying on her back and kicking her feet
When she didn't want the toys taken away.
We have learnt how to care for a baby and how to understand the baby's body language.  Our own emotions were discussed, as well as how to cope with bullying.
Most importantly, we now understand the value of empathy.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Baby Minti is now six and a half months old and she has reached new milestones.
Baby Minti can now:
lift her head by herself - Lucy
can nearly sit by herself - Gracie
do the pincer grip - Toby
roll over by herself - Shambhavi
remove her foot rattle - Gordon
make louder noises - Alysee
enjoy trying to stand up - Lily
eat solid foods - Alice
reach out and grab toys - Angus

Friday, 31 August 2012

Here is a photo of our 'Star' - Beautiful Baby Minti

Thursday, 26 July 2012

We all had a good break during the holidays. Some of our best memories are:
I went to Hamilton for five days and there were frosts. The grass was white. - Jessica
I went to the Gold Coast and I went to all the theme parks. Dreamworld was the best. - Toby
I went to Mount Ruapehu and skiied down the slopes. - Shambhavi
I went to Korea and when I came back I went to the ice rink. - Gordon
I had a soccer tournament and I won an awesome trophy for winning the Grand Final.- Mana
My dad bought me a mini-motorbike and I practised every weekend. - Dakota
I have been in Italy and it hailed in the middle of summer. - Celene
I went to Mount Ruapehu and went snow boarding. - Ben
At Waihi we had an awesome five days exploring Waihi. - Vincent
I went to the Aotea Ice Skating Rink and I saw Gracie there. - Lily F
My family came over from Melbourne and Beijing. - Alex
We collected lots of shells at Waiheke and put them in a big jar. - Lucy
Our family went to the Gold Coast and we went to the theme parks. - Charlotte
At Christchurch I fed the animals at Castle Hill. - Alice
I went on a Skate Park Tour all over Auckland. - Cato
I went skiing with my cousins at Mount Ruapehu. - Josh
I learnt to bike ride and biked all the way from St. Helliers to Kelly Tarltons. - Lily B
I had fun when I had a sleepover at Lucy's house. - Alysee
It was fun when I went skateboarding with Cato. - Fawad
Mrs Fullford went to Sydney and her husband did not enjoy shopping.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Today is the second week back at school and tomorrow we will update our page.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Reflections of our camp atTotara Springs.

The Hydroslide was like being on a roller coaster - Mana
The Canadian Slide twisted and was slippery - Toby
When we were in the Hot Pools it was really relaxing - Lily F
Sharing the cabin with a lot of people was like having a slumber party - Jessica
The BMX was fun because we got muddy and wet and enjoyed the jumps - Tama
In our cabin we were up late gossiping to one another - Lucy
I liked racing around the BMX track and getting muddy - Cameron
I felt like I was really flying when I was on the flying fox - Lily B
Tracey took a funny photo of us tied up on the train track - Dakota
I got dragged along when we made a whirlpool in the hot pools - Alice
At camp it was the first time I have used a slug gun: I liked it's loud noise - Gordon
When I was crate climbing it was unpredictable because I didn't know when I was going to fall - Alysee
The abseiling tower was nerve wracking and I was glad I had a harness on - Ben
My kayak got stuck in the marsh but I managed to reverse and get out - Charlotte
Cato, Denash, Josh and I made a train down the Canadian Slide and Denash landed on top of me at the end - Vincent
Raft building was exciting because we didn't know if our raft would float or capsize - Alex
There were eels in the creek and Scott stood on the eels head - he yelled!!!! - Shambhavi
I hated it when Edward kept telling scary stories - Fawad
Abseiling was awesome because I felt like I was spiderman - Cato

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Last week on the 25th April Lily B, Lily F and Mana attended the Dawn Service up at the museum.
When I went there I felt really sad and cried because a lot of my family went to war. Some of them did not return. Lily B.
A lot of people were marching to the cenotaph. Mana.
I was sad because my family that returned were sick. I also talked to a soldier who was in the march. Lily F.
Our class made paper poppies and Mrs Fullford gave us some poppies that the R.S.A. volunteers sell.  Toby.
We had a school ANZAC assembly on Tuesday. Gracie showed her Great Grandad's medals at the assembly. Ben.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

We are studying rock and crystal formations under the microscopes. It was not difficult to focus the microscopes and we liked using the microscopes with lights. Some of the rocks had crystals inside them. Most of the crystals and rocks came from New Zealand but we also had rocks from the U.S.A.,
South America and South Africa. We also learnt about a variety of minerals including coal. We also talked about the petrified forest at Curio Bay in Southland where you can see the tree formation in the rock. Ben brought along a fossil to school so we could observe it's structure under the microscope. It is between 4 and 6 million years old! 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Last week, the children in the photo holding swimming certificates were Lucy Woodhams, Brittany Wong and Cato Dobbs.
 This week we have been studying Rocks and Minerals. We have been looking at the different types of crystals under the microscopes. It was very interesting looking at the structure of the crystals - Gracie
Today we had a mufti day and sausage sizzle to raise funds for the school - Lucy
At present we are trialling Reading Eggs which is a programmme to help us with our reading and comprehension. The class has really enjoyed this computer programme - Ben and Jessica
Unfortunately our Softball, as well as Wheels Day were postponed this week due to bad weather. They will take place next week - Alexandra
On Wednesday, after school Rebecca, Jessica and Rachel go to French Classes. At the moment we are learning about animals - Jessica and Rachel

Friday, 9 March 2012

Music Group

Jessica Woo playing the violin at the Queen Victoria School Hall. The school had gone down to watch
"The Toys in Chouchou's Corner." We also had 4 butterflies from our classroom. They were Rachel and Rebecca Bowden, Olivia Haskell and Gracie Greenough.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Parnell Baths Session 2
We all enjoyed our second session. We did Non-contact Rescues and Lifejackets. Our first session had been about Safety and Basic Swimming. Tomorrow is not only mufti day and sausage sizzle, but it is also our third swimming session. This will be fun as we will be in the kayaks and boats.
This afternoon we went to the Celtic Concert in the hall and also watched Rooms1 and 8 present their item to the school.
We have been working hard on our self-portraits which we are colouring with pastel.
Our homework is due on Friday and we have been concentrating on the 6,7,and 8x tables, as well as our spelling.
Tomorrow we are starting our Reading Eggs Programme in the ICT room. We will also continue to work on "Myself" stories which are to be published into a class booklet.