Thursday, 29 March 2012

We are studying rock and crystal formations under the microscopes. It was not difficult to focus the microscopes and we liked using the microscopes with lights. Some of the rocks had crystals inside them. Most of the crystals and rocks came from New Zealand but we also had rocks from the U.S.A.,
South America and South Africa. We also learnt about a variety of minerals including coal. We also talked about the petrified forest at Curio Bay in Southland where you can see the tree formation in the rock. Ben brought along a fossil to school so we could observe it's structure under the microscope. It is between 4 and 6 million years old! 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Last week, the children in the photo holding swimming certificates were Lucy Woodhams, Brittany Wong and Cato Dobbs.
 This week we have been studying Rocks and Minerals. We have been looking at the different types of crystals under the microscopes. It was very interesting looking at the structure of the crystals - Gracie
Today we had a mufti day and sausage sizzle to raise funds for the school - Lucy
At present we are trialling Reading Eggs which is a programmme to help us with our reading and comprehension. The class has really enjoyed this computer programme - Ben and Jessica
Unfortunately our Softball, as well as Wheels Day were postponed this week due to bad weather. They will take place next week - Alexandra
On Wednesday, after school Rebecca, Jessica and Rachel go to French Classes. At the moment we are learning about animals - Jessica and Rachel

Friday, 9 March 2012

Music Group

Jessica Woo playing the violin at the Queen Victoria School Hall. The school had gone down to watch
"The Toys in Chouchou's Corner." We also had 4 butterflies from our classroom. They were Rachel and Rebecca Bowden, Olivia Haskell and Gracie Greenough.