Friday, 19 September 2014

Marvin's Skiing Adventure

Marvin recently spent the week skiing with Annabelle and her family.
They created some very technological skis and some gear to keep him warm. Check out his first lesson...

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Annabelle, Erin and Terri's Semaphore flags

The war has begun. You must help us decode our message to win...
Annabelle, Erin and Terri

Jenny, Selina and Lily's Semaphore flags

Can you try to decode our secret message? Write your answer in the comment box below the video.
Jenny, Selina and Lily

Lily, Yashvi and Alex's Semaphore flags

Can you guess our secret code? If you dare write your answer in the comment box below the video.
Lily, Yashvi and Alex

James' Semaphore flags

Can you explain what I am saying? Write your answers in the comment box below.

Charlie, Edwin, Penelope and Lili's Semaphore flags

Dare to discover our secret message? Figure it out and comment your answer below...
Charlie, Edwin, Penelope and Lili

Leon, Ben and Josef

If you can, try to decode our message and write the answer in the comment box below.
Leon, Ben and Josef

Charels, Mohammed and Harrison's Semaphore flags

We challenge you to watch our video and figure out our message.
Charels, Mohammed and Harrison

Archie and Mia's Semaphore flags

When you get a chance try to figure out our War themed message and write it in the comment box below.
Archie and Mia

Madeline and Tara's Semaphore flags

Here's our semaphore message. Are you able to figure it out?
Madeline and Tara

Rici and Amelia's Semaphore message

What does our message say? Can you figure it out?
Please comment below if you think you know...
Rici and Amelia

Friday, 5 September 2014

WW1 puzzle pieces

We have been learning about World War One , here are some puzzle pieces that we enjoyed doing .

Semaphore Flag Task

We have been learning about World War One and how different communities used communication in that time. We learnt about morse code and how to send a message using Semaphore Flags. 
There will be some posts coming soon, which show groups of us sending you a message. 
Please watch the message and figure out what we are trying to tell you. 
Then leave a comment underneath to tell us what the message says. Also leave your name in the comment and there may be some spot prizes.

Good luck! :) 

From Room 28