Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Helping Hands...
Well, well, well... We are certainly on a journey in Room 28 - Ms B has been playing with a new website called PowToon - Check out our Inquiry mission...
Friday, 19 September 2014
Marvin's Skiing Adventure
Marvin recently spent the week skiing with Annabelle and her family.
They created some very technological skis and some gear to keep him warm. Check out his first lesson...
They created some very technological skis and some gear to keep him warm. Check out his first lesson...
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Annabelle, Erin and Terri's Semaphore flags
The war has begun. You must help us decode our message to win...
Annabelle, Erin and Terri
Jenny, Selina and Lily's Semaphore flags
Can you try to decode our secret message? Write your answer in the comment box below the video.
Jenny, Selina and Lily
Lily, Yashvi and Alex's Semaphore flags
Can you guess our secret code? If you dare write your answer in the comment box below the video.
Lily, Yashvi and Alex
James' Semaphore flags
Can you explain what I am saying? Write your answers in the comment box below.
Charlie, Edwin, Penelope and Lili's Semaphore flags
Dare to discover our secret message? Figure it out and comment your answer below...
Charlie, Edwin, Penelope and Lili
Leon, Ben and Josef
If you can, try to decode our message and write the answer in the comment box below.
Leon, Ben and Josef
Charels, Mohammed and Harrison's Semaphore flags
We challenge you to watch our video and figure out our message.
Charels, Mohammed and Harrison
Archie and Mia's Semaphore flags
When you get a chance try to figure out our War themed message and write it in the comment box below.
Archie and Mia
Archie and Mia
Madeline and Tara's Semaphore flags
Here's our semaphore message. Are you able to figure it out?
Madeline and Tara
Rici and Amelia's Semaphore message
What does our message say? Can you figure it out?
Please comment below if you think you know...
Rici and Amelia
Please comment below if you think you know...
Friday, 5 September 2014
Semaphore Flag Task
We have been learning about World War One and how different communities used communication in that time. We learnt about morse code and how to send a message using Semaphore Flags.
There will be some posts coming soon, which show groups of us sending you a message.
Please watch the message and figure out what we are trying to tell you.
Then leave a comment underneath to tell us what the message says. Also leave your name in the comment and there may be some spot prizes.
Good luck! :)
From Room 28
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Bula from Africa
Bula from Africa...
I hope you all had a restful and fun break over the holidays!
Well, I've been in Africa for a week now. I spent the first few days in Kenya - getting used to the tenting side of this trip, and the last four days I've been in uganda.
On Tuesday we went to Queen Elizabeth National Park where we spent three hours trekking chimpanzees. Unfortunately we didn't see any, but we did get to see other monkeys - Monty was very happy! We also go to drive around the park with a herd of elephants. They were huge!
My favourite day so far, was definately when we went to visit a children's orphanage. I spent time in the classroom with them and then got to teach for a little while. It's very different here. Their floor was made of dirt, there was no technology and each class had between 30 and 40 children. We are so lucky at Parnell! The children then took us outside and taught us a few songs and dances. Very fun!
Yesterday was the hardest day so far. We spent 8.5 hours trekking through the mountain jungle in Lake Bunyonyi searching for gorillas. It was extremely difficult and we were very high up! After four hours we found a family of 10 gorillas. There was one baby and one big Silverback male. It was incredible to be so close to them (we were allowed to stand 2 metres away from them). Unfortunately after an hour with them we had to leave. Because gorillas are so close to humans they can catch bugs and diseases from us so we couldn't spend very long with them.
Today is a day of rest. I need it after that long trek yesterday! We leave for a place called Ginga tomorrow. It's around 11 hours of driving but once we get there , there are plenty of new and exciting adventures to be done!
Say hello to Mrs K for me. Perhaps she can share this with the rest of the class.
I will write again when I can.
Be safe, be kind and keep smiling,
Ms Brown

Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Crocodile Creche
Well done Kakapo's! You have all worked really hard this week to get through the work you had given to you. This will be your first Blog task. Read the instructions clearly and make sure you check your spelling and punctuation before you submit your answer.
For this task you will need to use the information that you have researched about crocodiles in activity E.
Fist click the 'comment' button below this post.
Answer the following questions by typing them into the comment box:
- What is the crocodiles species name?
- What do they eat?
- Where do they live?
- Give one other interesting fact about it too.
Here is an example in case you get stuck:
Ms Brown
Name: Saltwater Crocodile
Eats: Fish and small mammals
Lives: In and around Australia
Fact: Crocodiles have an egg tooth when they are born
Killer Plants
Killer plants - it sounds like a scary book!
We now know that there are many different types of carnivorous plants in the world. We even have a few here in NZ too!
In A, Did I Understand, question 8 asks you which carnivorous plant is your favourite and why.
- Click on the comment button below and list your favourite Carnivorous plant and at least three reasons why that is your favourite one.
- Next, look at someone else's favourite plant. Click 'reply' underneath and list one interesting fact that you know about that plant.
Your comments should be based purely on the reasons other have posted. Remember to check your spelling an punctuation before you submit your answer.
Jay's Treasure
Jay's treasure is not your conventional treasure! He spends lots of his time beach-combing his local bays and beaches. In activity C you were asked to make as many words as you possible can using just the letters from the word TREASURE.
- Click on the comment button below and list the following: 2 words with just 2 letters, 3 words with 3 letters, 4 words with 4 letters and as many 5 letter words as you can.
- Next, look at someone else's words and give them some feedback on how they went.
Your comments should be positive and constructive. Remember to check your spelling an punctuation before you submit your answer.
The Problem With Pluto
Poor old Pluto was kicked out of our Solar System a few years ago.
In activity E, Defend, you were asked to pretend you were a lawyer and argue that Pluto should still be a planet in our Solar System.
- Click on the comment button below and give one descriptive reason (should be longer than one sentence) that you, as Pluto's lawyer, have come up with.
- Next, look at someone else's reason. Pretend that you are the scientist that decided Pluto was no longer classed as a planet and record a response by clicking the 'reply' button.
Your comments should be based purely on the reasons other have posted. Remember to check your spelling an punctuation before you submit your answer.
Monday, 10 March 2014
Plight of the Sea Turtle
This week you've learnt quite a bit about the poor old Sea Turtle.
In section D, you were asked to find out more about Lady Vini.
- Select 'Comment' beneath this post and add two pieces of information about Lady Vini. (Please write this information as full sentences rather than one or two words).
- Can you find out the most recent location of Lady Vini? if so, add that below too.
If you finish all of the tasks on the sheet and you've done the blog activity, your next mission is to design a contraption which will allow more baby sea turtles to survive their first trip to the ocean. Draw it in your Language books with a brief explanation and then photograph it and post it on here.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Ants on the March
This week you have been learning about the humble Ant.
In task D you were asked to find five interesting facts about ants.
- Choose your favourite ant fact and post it as a comment below this post (choose a fact that hasn't already been put up).
- Read some other children's facts. Choose one or two of these and click 'Reply' underneath their fact.
- Write your name and a short comment about this fact. You may like to add what you learnt from them or a question you had once you read it.
We will look at these next week to see each others reflections.
A Country Like Mine
As part of your reading this week you have been asked to write a series of 10 quiz questions about New Zealand. Now it's time to put them to work.
- Choose your best question and post it in the comment section below (make sure you know the correct answer and try not to put a question up that someone else has already posted).
- Look at a quiz question that someone else in your group has put up and click 'Reply'.
- Write your name and answer to their quiz question (you might like to do another one or two as well).
Next week we will look back at these and you can put the correct answer under your own quiz question.
Monte's first bike riding lesson
The Judd Whanau are off to Otago to do the beautiful Rail Trail. Check out this video of our little Monte having a cycling lesson before they depart...
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
The Rise of the Badger - Harry Potter Fan Fiction
The user dobby82 on the site Fanfiction.net has written their own version of the start of the Harry Potter series books. Below are three extracts from this story. Please read the start of this story and use the comments below to review what you have read. What do you think?
You can read the full story here https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10099018/1/The-Rise-of-the-Badger
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Wonderful Water Safety...
Welcome back to an extremely busy term!
My name is Ms Brown and I am the new teacher for room 28.
Keep your eyes peeled for interesting work and photo stories over the next few weeks... we will be posting them on line for our school and home community to view.
Keep smiling,
Ms Brown
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