Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Monte's first bike riding lesson

The Judd Whanau are off to Otago to do the beautiful Rail Trail. Check out this video of our little Monte having a cycling lesson before they depart...


  1. Amelia Thomson (Amy) - Ahhhh. Monty is so cut. I hope that a bike can fit him other wise what was the training for. I hope they show more videos.

  2. Lily W- When I first saw the video I thought it was hilarious! I think that Monte should try riding a bit more straight though. I love the video! Thanks Annebelle!

  3. Lily M
    That video was a really good idea , I really enjoyed watching it .Maybe instead of Monte riding round in a circle ,he could go over some bumps or even in a line but other wise i really enjoyed thank you annabelle .

  4. Archie N-I hope Monte has enough energy for the ride, he might need special juice! Also he needs to make his riding skills #100. @:)

  5. Erin S - wow! looks like Monty has a new talent thanks to Annabelle. Next time maby he could go over some more obstacles but otherwise great work Annabelle!!!

  6. Edwin L-So Hilarious I watched this like 10 times now, Nice biking skills Monte, great job Annabelle and thanks for the laugh.

  7. Ben k nice one Monte it is so hilarious thanks for the laugh can my teddy go to your place to learn how to ride a bike
    nice one Annabelle
